Testimony of Onesmus Mwanzia of Kenya
ISOB Marriage Seminars
Greetings to you in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. We thank God for giving us the opportunity and His Spirit to start a marriage series in machakos. For the last two months since we began this series, we have witnessed many families that had seperated coming together and forgive each other. What made us to start this series is through the DVD player and the DVDs on marriage teachings which Brother Larry sent to us, trully it has been helping us a lot to meet the problems that makes familiess to break. Through this, the families that we have been teaching have come to know that God has design for marriage to be a Blood covernant that demands the "death" of both parties so that His resurrection power can make them one.
The methods that we use with my Wife to solve these family problems is through:-
-. Home Bible Fellowships
-. Marital counselling
-. Couple's meetings
-. Seminars for Marrige people
-The main aim for starting the above listed methods is because families are more important in the Church and can make the Body of Christ to Grow and bring oneness in the Church,and they must let Jesus to do His work through forgiveness and honesty. The advantages of marriage series that we have witnessed so far are:-
- More than 20 families that had seperated have come together and follow the practical application in a covenant marriage e.i Both parties have decided to die to their own selfish desires,and have committed to do something for the benefit of the other person.
- In our church we have received more than 30 families that have joined us after we started this teachings, our joy is seeing these families are taking the Cross and live His life just because Jesus purchased us and He owns us.When the families come to the point of healing to their wounds of marriages then,the woman will know that she has covering.The man should accept full responsibility for her financial needs.The children will have full surpport and parental love.The Church will grow Spiritually and financially without chaos and divissions.
The Church begins at home where there's Husband and the Wife,and these two should submitt to one another in the fear of God,so that the Church can be strong in faith and in prayer. We need your prayer support as we continue with this new humble begining on marriges serries in Machakos.
Dear ISOB partners continue praying for Brother Larry and Carol for their compassionate love and concern,and that God's Grace,Love,Strength,Wisdom,Spiritual Breakthrough and Favor rest upon them Abundantly.We are still praying for them and for you all in Jesus Name.
God bless you
Pastor Onesmus