Be Real

With God


by Larry Chkoreff


Version 1.0

ISBN - 0-9676731-1-9

First printing - June, 2000



Copyright © 2000 by Larry Chkoreff

Published by International School of the Bible, Marietta, Georgia, U.S.A.


Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the NKJV of the Bible. Copyright 1979,1980,982 by Thomas Nelson, publishers. Used by permission.


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The author, Larry Chkoreff, along with his wife Carol, are the founders of the International School of the Bible (ISOB) in Marietta, Georgia, U.S.A. ISOB provides materials and training necessary to develop disciples, and assists in church planting.

ISOB has established discipleship locations in many African countries, and is currently helping to establish cell churches in Haiti and several African countries.

It is our hope that this book will help seekers find a relationship with God, the Creator, as they bare themselves before Him in honesty and reality, and that it will help believers to become free to walk with God with joy and victory.

There are millions of people around the world who are coming to know Jesus Christ every week. The curve of growth is exponential. These people need simple, concise teaching and grounding in the basics of developing their relationship with God. Our hope is that this book will help many of them shorten their path of discipleship and become leaders for the Kingdom of God. It is our prayer that as you read this book you will experience the magnificent presence of God, and will acquire a driving passion to continue to pursue His presence.

This book is dedicated to Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of my faith.



Other books by ISOB:

Grow or Die Seminar Series - A 128 page, 10 lesson book for discipleship featuring the blood covenant with God.

ISBN 0-9676731-0-0


Grow or Die Full Course - This consists of discipleship materials which includes over 100 lessons. This course is available for free downloading at the web site, or on CD-ROM for reproduction on a personal computer.

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Table of Contents

Introduction - Be Real 4

Chapter 1 - Hello there, my Name is Jesus. 10

Chapter 2 - Bad news, good news. 14

Chapter 3 - What happened to me? 20

Chapter 4 - Who is this God who you have met? 26

Chapter 5 - Who Am I? 32

Chapter 6 - Death is annulled. 40

Chapter 7 - Jesus As Lord? 44

Chapter 8 - Moving on with prayer. 54

Chapter 9 - Moving on in the Word 59

Chapter 10 - Moving on with being changed. 69

Chapter 11 - Water Baptism. 76

Chapter 12 - A new way of life: new habits. 79

Chapter 13 - The Holy Spirit. 90

Chapter 14 - We need to be set free. 95

Chapter 15 - Moving on with the church. 107

Chapter 16 - Spiritual War. 118

Chapter 17 - Suffering &Tribulation. 126

Chapter 18 - Jesus is returning. 137