List of ISOB Lessons


List of ISOB Lessons available on CD ROM for Windows and Apple computers.  These lessons are also available on our web site



Grow or Die book

01         Grow or Die Bearing Fruit

02         Prisoners in the Promise Land

03         The Flowing River -  (to be continued on a regular basis.)

04         Who God Is

05         Sit

06         Walk

07         Stand

•           Grow or Die book Section 2 (Blood and Fire)

08.        Power to Run the Race

09.        The Cross

10.        Deliverance- Demons

11.        Baptism in Holy Sprit


Who God Is

01         Getting to know our awesome God

02         The Trinity

03         God The Father

04         God The Father - 2

05         God is a covenant person

06         The Virgin Birth

07         The Virgin Birth - 2

08         Who is Jesus Now?

09         Disguises of God

10         God The Word

11         The Authority of God’s Word

12         The Integrity of The Word

13         The Purifying Effect of God’s Word

14         Christ The Rock

15         Bible Prophecy - Name of Jesus in the Old Testament

16         God The Holy Spirit

17         The Holy Spirit and the Tongue

18         Baptism in the Holy Spirit





Individual Lessons:


01         Sit Outline - Sitting With Christ

02         Grace

03         Identity

04         Extravagant Love

05         Purchased from Slavery

06         Redemption

07         Who told you?

08         Healing for our Bodies

09         Roots

10         Victory over Sin

11         Fear

12         Guilt

13         Power to Finish the Race - The Cross

14.        Enter His Rest.




01         Walk outline

02         Backsliding

03         Rich Young - consecration

04         Too busy for God

05         Faith

06         Forgive

07         The world

08         Truth/Zakah

09         Truth death penalty

10         Truth

11         Authority

12         Repent

13         Bible Reading

14         Habits for Heaven

15         See the invisible

16         Servanthood

17         Putting others first

18         Honor with your body

19         Respond to God

20         Guard your heart

21         Tithe- economics

22         Prayer

23         Spend your inheritance

24         Walk in spirit

25         Compromise

26         Your words

27         Pray-faith

28         Backsliding

29         Mercy

30         Be real

31         Blame

32         Love

33         Worship

34         Dating

35         Praise - New song

36         Your friends

37         Fellowship with believers

38         Baptism

39         Judgments

40         Grace Break

41         Fasting



01         Cosmic Courtroom

02         Warfare blood

03         Courtroom

04         Peace be still

05         Revelation

06         The scroll

07         Problems

08         Sealed

09         Where Satan is Sitting

10         Not my will

11         Satan, demons, devils, deliverance


The Blood Covenant

1 - Religion or Blood?


2 - Grace by Inheritance


3 - More about blood covenants


4 Cain and Abel


5 Noah found grace


6 Abram found grace: Genesis 12-14


Self study guide on grace.

Grace and the blood covenant

Part 2 - Outline for Genesis 12-14


7 Abram  - Genesis chapter 15 - The bloody trench!


8 Genesis chapter 17 - Our response to the covenant


9 Abraham Genesis chapter 22 - The blood covenant breaks curses.


10 Have you been a slave and didn't know it?  Exodus chapters 1-5


11 Don't underestimate the depth of the relationship


12 - Storms in your life?  Apply the Passover Blood!


13 - Who is your uncircumcised Philistine?  The thought life


14 - The war for your thought life


15 - From Lo Debar to Jerusalem


16 Isaiah 53 - The final blood shed by Jesus



Inner Healing

This Series is also called ISOB Bondage Breakers and is presented on 15 videos available on DVD.


1 - A vision to be healed on the inside.  -

2 - Rejection ... but "The Father tenderly loves you."

3 - Why does God release you from Bondage?

4 - Grieving - a deeper level of being honest and real.

5 You cannot be free without the Word.

6 You can't be free if you don't know who you are!

7 You can't be free if you don't live like who you really are.

8 You can't be free if you don't know about Satan's tactics.

9 Forgiveness The Inner Healing Ointment

10 You Can't be Free if You Don't Live by Faith.

11 Judgments

12 Soul Ties

13 Scabs, Scars, Success

14 Low Self Esteem and the Importance of a Goal

15 The Purpose of Life


Breaking Free

01 Breaking Free

02 Giants

03 Truth

04 Sorrow

05 Witchcraft

06 Unashamed

07 Turn from the Flesh

08 Reconciliation of Evil 1

09 Reconciliation of Evil 2

10 Reconciliation of Evil 3

11 Authority

12 Testing

13 Visions

14 Ministry

15 Torture

16 Book of John & Proverbs


International School of The Bible - Marietta, GA. U.S.A.

(770) 565-8736  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


End Notes

[1] The theme, Sit, Walk and Stand is adapted from the writings of Watchman Nee.

[2] “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4).

[4] A.J. Russell God Calling : Barbour and Company, Inc..  Uhrichsville, OH., 1989, Page 43


(1) Nee, Watchman.  Sit, Walk, Stand.  Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1977


(2) The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.  Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publisher, 1995


(3) Vine, W.E.  Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary.  Atlanta, GA: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1996


(4) Prince, Derek.  They Shall Expel Demons. Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books, 1998


(5) Wurbrand, Richard.  Reaching Toward The Heights.  Bartlesville, OK: Living Sacrifice Book Company, 1979


(6) Nee, Watchman.  God's Plan and The Overcomers.  Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1979


(6) Nee, Watchman.  A Table in the Wilderness.  Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1965


Dear Reader:


Many people who have read this book as you have just done have experienced changed lives. This book was placed in your hands with the prayer and belief that the same blessing of a changed life will come to you. If this prayer has been answered in your life, we thank God.


It is our intent and practice to offer these books free of charge to the extent possible. If you have received your book in this way, we want to extend an invitation to you to participate in our mission and invest in this work of our Lord through a gift to cover the cost of printing your book plus another book for one other person. As God is blessing and moving in a mighty way through these books, we believe that He will also surely bless you for all the support you can give.


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God bless you,



Larry Chkoreff and Team



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