

The Holy Spirit is the power of God for deliverance in our lives.  “And as he was yet a coming, the devil threw him down, and tare him.  And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child, and delivered him again to his father.  And they were all amazed at the mighty power of God” (Luke 9:42,43a).

In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is often referred to as the Finger of God.  “But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the Kingdom of God has come to you” (Luke 11:20).  Jesus made it clear that He drove out demons by the Holy Spirit.

Our spiritual enemies often keep believers from running a successful race with God by spreading lies that they do not affect Christians.  So often believers are beset with sin and weights that are put on them by devils and demons.  We agree that a believer cannot be demon “possessed,” but I do know that they can be demon oppressed and influenced.  It does not matter where the demon resides in the believer’s life; the main issue is that we need to know about them so we can get them out of our lives, wherever they are.


1. What are demons and devils,  and who is Satan?

a.  Satan was arch-angel Lucifer.  He was in charge of worship for God.  According to Ezekiel 28 and other Scriptures, he was highly anointed, and probably had built in musical instruments in his body.  He was in Eden with Adam and Eve.  He was beautiful.  He has a very keen talent for business and merchandising.  He probably created the idea of becoming wealthy with slavery.  He is very proud, and realizes his own beauty.  He is very intelligent and cunning.  He is highly organized.

b. Lucifer rebelled against God and took 1/3 of the angels.  He organized them in military order and counterfeited the Kingdom of God (Ephesians 6).

c.  Satan is now the Prince of the World (John 12:31).

d. Some say demons are fallen angels,  some say they are disembodied spirits perhaps from a pre-Adamic race, or perhaps even from our ancestors.  The Scriptures are not conclusive on this subject.  However, angels were never designed to inhabit humans.  I believe that there could be both: those who were angels and who now rule with Satan, and those who are disembodied spirits who inhabit humans.  I am not sure, that is purely supposition.  Nevertheless, that definition is not important.  The word for demon is daimon, which literally means “to know,” or “the knowing one.”

e.  Their character is extremely filthy.  Vines Dictionary (3) says, “demons are the spiritual agents acting in all idolatry.  The idol itself is nothing, but every idol has a demon associated with it that induces idolatry, with it worship and sacrifices, 1 Co. 10:20-21; Rev. 9:20.  They disseminate errors among men, and seek to seduce believers, 1 Tim. 4:1.  As seducing spirits they deceive men into the supposition that through mediums they can converse with deceased human beings.  Acting under Satan, demons are permitted to afflict with bodily disease, Luke 13:16.  Being unclean they tempt human beings with unclean thoughts, Matt. 10:1.  They differ in degrees of wickedness, Matt. 12:45.  They will instigate the rulers of the nations at the end of this age to make war against God and His Christ, Rev. 16:14.”


2.  What do they do?

According to John 10:10 they kill, steal and destroy.  Everything that they do falls under these three categories.

a. Kill. Their murder has to do with eternal damnation, and with death in this life as well.

b. Steal. They are thieves.  They steal God’s will for you.  They steal the Word of God out of your heart.  They steal virginity, health, peace, and possessions.

c. Destroy. They destroy lives.  They destroy with drugs and sickness.  They destroy families.  They destroy with violence, sexual abuse and plagues like AIDS.


3.  How do they accomplish their goals?

a. They tempt you (Matthew 4:1).  The goal is to separate you from God by acting independent of God.

b. They speak to your mind (2 Corinthians 10:4).

c. They navigate circumstances (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

d. They steal the Word in order to neutralize Christians to become unfruitful (Mark 4).

e. They convince people that  devils and demons do not exist.  Often they use innocent looking people who appear to be nice, sometimes even Christians.  I have met people in churches who were obviously influenced by demons, who have told me that demons and the entire supernatural realm is not real.  They claim that evil is just something that humans do.

f. They convince you to sin so that they may have more control and Jesus less control.  The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

g. They lie and accuse the innocent (John 8:44 and 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10).  They also accused Jesus of having demons.  “For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil” (Matthew 11:18).  “And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils” (Mark 3:22).

h. They take the moral authority of the victim and give it to the perpetrator.

i. They empower people to use their power.  Rock music, horoscope, fortune telling, etc.

j. They torment people physically, emotionally, and mentally.

k. They control and manipulate against a person’s will.  They take control of a person’s will, mind and emotions, and carry out their work through that person.  They cause the person to lie and to believe their own lie.

l. They take inordinate authority, and violate proper authority.

m. Satan has many counterfeits of God’s work.  He is not original, he does not create anything, and he only copies and perverts what God does.

n. Satan is called Beelzebub, which means lord of the flies.  Flies swarm around wounds, which is exactly what demons do.  They look for wounded people; people who have a spirit of rejection for instance, and swarm on them.  The answer is to submit yourself to God's inner healing which is already provided for you.

Some counterfeits that Satan uses:

Satan has the ability to cause supernatural things to occur.  He has caused some Christians to admire his supernatural works.  He has caused others to be so afraid of the supernatural that they miss the full work of the Holy Spirit.

There are several tests we can use to discern the work of the Holy Spirit from the work of devils and demons.  1 Corinthians 14:33 talks about the spirit of confusion.  The Holy Spirit does not perform a circus.  He is here to make Jesus real to us.  The work of the Holy Spirit always conforms to the Scriptures.  The Holy Spirit will always exalt the real Jesus not “another Jesus” (2 Corinthians 11:4).  Cults and occults will not admit that Jesus was born of a virgin, that He was God incarnate, was the one and only Son of God and that He was raised from the dead.  This is usually the dividing line (1 John 4:2-3).


4. Some examples of deliverance and how demons act.

a. Jesus cast out a devil by a mother’s faith  (Mark 7:29).

b. The Gadarene demonic was delivered, and the devils went to the hogs (Mark 5:1-20).

c. In Matthew 9:32-33 the dumb spoke after the demon was cast out.

d. In Matthew 10:7 Jesus empowered His disciples to cast out devils.

e. In Mark 9:17-29 the dumb spirit was in the boy from his youth.

f. The Old Testament has types and shadows of how demons operate.  Look at Psalms 10, 56, 59, 64 and many others.  Other good examples are Old Testament wars, tribes and people, like Jezebel and Balaam.  Read these stories and put demons in the roles of Israel’s enemies.


5. How they get a foothold in your life.

a. Your sin.  All sins give demons a foothold, but one of the worst is sexual sin.  Sexual acts bind two people together spiritually in a very unique way.

b. Generational sin.  Demons follow families for generations, and have the right to put the same disease and curses on them (the law of inheritance).  Demonic religions are based upon worship of ancestral spirits in order to perpetuate curses and control of families.  They convince people, even Christians, that they must pay a price to a witch doctor for protection.  Some even purchase items and drinks as a way to receive protection and blessings.  These people believe that by contacting and being in touch with the spirit of their ancestors that they will be blessed and have protection from evil.  Actually, just the opposite happens.  They become prisoners to the enemy of their soul, Satan!

Most festivals like Mardi Gras in America are designed to perpetuate curses over regions.  Sometimes even family reunions can be used by demons to perpetuate family curses.  Voodoo and other occults all have festivals.  Generational curses are the primary and most powerful way that demons attach themselves.  Generational spirits often attempt to captivate young members of a family during the teenage years.  This is the time when rebellion is most evident.  If they cannot succeed, they will try again later in life.

This advice is for those who really want to be free, radically free.  Be cautious of well meaning family members who would attempt to control or influence your life, or the life of your children.  I can personally testify to this.  Be careful that you allow the Holy Spirit, and His ordained authority figures, to control your life and that of your children.

c. Sin in the world.  This world is full of sin that promotes demon activity.

d. Weights, or oppression you might receive from someone else.  A very common tactic used by demons is to sexually abuse a young person and thus gain entry for the rest of his/her life.  A weight is not a sin you performed, rather it is oppression against you by someone else’s sin.

e. Through an idol in your life.  An idol can be anything that you make more important than God.  It can be a person, a habit, a custom, and even a denomination.  This can include drugs and alcohol.

f. Rebellion against authority.  If a person does not submit to Jesus as Lord, that person, by default, will be under the control of some other being.  Satan deceived Eve, and she deceived Adam.  Adam should have taken dominion over Satan but he did not.  Eve, in effect, took inordinate authority and Adam did not exercise his ordained authority.  The original sin demonstrates how authority and sin are so tied together.  Obviously, they both should have submitted to the authority of God’s Word (the Tree of Life).

g. Christians can be vulnerable.  If we have demons before coming to Jesus, there could be a period of time before we receive deliverance.  Some never do receive deliverance based upon the fact that they do not wish to totally yield.  Obviously a Christian cannot be “possessed” by a demon, but they sure can be influenced.  It does not matter if we use the term possessed, influenced, oppressed or whatever.  What matters is that we know how to get rid of their activities in our lives.

These Scriptures show that we are still vulnerable even after we believe.  “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (1 Timothy 4:1).  “Be self-controlled and alert.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).  “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.  For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough” (2 Corinthians 11:3,4).

Some say that the blood of Jesus protects Christians.  Yes and no.  The blood only protects when we are obedient Christians.  “...who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance” (1 Peter 1:2).  Christians do need deliverance.


6. What you can do.

When Satan convinced Adam and Eve to sin, he gained dominion over them and the human race.  He is more powerful than mere humans are.  As long as sin is not dealt with, Satan is in charge.  Jesus bore our sin at the Cross and paid the final penalty.  If we know that truth and practice obedience to it, we will be free from Satan and demons.

Deliverance does not always mean some violent casting out with someone laying hands on us, although that is possible and happens often.  There are other ways.  We can be delivered ourselves.

a. Be honest.  Confess your sin.  Practice honesty and truth at all cost.  When you lie you make Satan your father.

b. Renounce any contact you have had with anything demonic: music, porno, TV, movies, drugs, alcohol, occult, horoscope, Quija boards, fortune telling, card games, etc.

c. Renounce any relationship to family ties that may be used to pass down curses.  We can be courteous to family without receiving their curses.

d. Stay close to Jesus through prayer, His Word, selective friends, and church groups.  Keep your mind filled with Godly things.  The mind is the battlefield.

e. Be open for however God wants to deliver you.  Desire to be free and don’t limit God.  He has many ways to set you free.  His mission is to set you free (Luke 4).

f. Sometimes people get rid of demons and they do not fill themselves up with the Word of God and a holy lifestyle.  In many such cases the demons come back in seven times worse.  It is important to have Godly counseling after deliverance.  “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he walks through dry places seeking rest.  And finding none, he says, I will return to my house from which I came out.  And when he comes, he finds it swept and decorated.  And he goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and entering in, they dwell there.  And the last state of that man is worse than the first” (Luke 11:24-26).

However, there is a safe and practical way to be delivered.  The word of Jesus cast out a devil in Matthew 8:16.  It can do the same for you.  I can personally testify to this method.  If you fill up a container before you empty it, there is no danger of having an empty space that can be inhabited with another substance.  So also, if you fill yourself up with the Word of God, not only will the demons come out, but there will no empty place left for them to return.

“And evening coming on, they brought to Him many who had been possessed with demons.  And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick” (Matthew 8:16).  Soaking in the Word will drive demons out of your life.

I would like to invite every reader to now determine to subscribe to this method.  Even if you do not believe that you have any problems, you never really know for sure.

Just do this.  Determine in your heart to fill yourself with the Word of God to overflowing.  Pour the Word in anyway you can do it.  Read the Scriptures, listen to tapes, memorize the Word, keep it on your lips, meditate on it day and night.  Obey the Word.  Do what it says.  The Word will cast out every spirit in your life that is not Holy.

g. Be filled with the Holy Spirit so you can have power to overcome  (Acts 1:8).

h. Jesus gave us the power and authority to cast out demons (Mark 16:17).

i. We can detect demons in our lives if we stay close to Jesus.  Not all evil and sickness is from demons.  Physical problems or lifestyle issues can cause sickness.  Evil conduct can be our “flesh.”  However, if any of these problems are left unresolved they can be entry for demons.  We should be on the watch for compulsive behavior, habits that we cannot overcome, lusts, fear and oppressive feelings.  Do not allow depression to go on without getting help.  Do not tolerate feelings of suicide, destruction or murder.  Do not hide feelings of homosexuality and inordinate sex, even sex with yourself.  Get some help!


7. God destroyed the devil.

What does it mean that God destroyed the devil?  How does the blood of Jesus give us power?

“Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death--that is, the devil-- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death” (Hebrews 2:14,15).

“Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.  For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him.  The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.  In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 6:8-11).

These verses say that Satan was “destroyed.” What does that actually mean?  He seems to be running around doing a job of destroying others.

Destroy means to render his power ineffective. How did Jesus do that?  The devil is still running around destroying others.  When Jesus was resurrected, He was the first born of a brand new race.  Jesus put a new nature into you when you were born again.  This nature is higher than demons and devils.  They have already killed the first race of Adam, in Jesus on the Cross.  Satan and demons have absolutely no authority over this new race, all they can do is lie to us.  When Jesus was resurrected, demons had no more power over Him.  He put that life into you.

The word destroy is defined in Strong's Concordance as:

1)  to render idle, unemployed, inactivate, inoperative.

1a) to cause a person or thing to have no further efficiency.

1b) to deprive of force, influence, power.


Here is a very absurd example that may help us remember and picture what “destroyed” actually means.

Let’s pretend that you are a cat.  A big dog, representing Satan, is harassing you, keeping you on the run, and making you hide.  He is stealing your food and even tearing at your hide.  Finally, this dog kills you.

Then all of the sudden, by some supernatural miracle, you, the cat, are raised from the dead.  This time you are no longer a cat, but a lion!  Now this same dog comes and looks at you and he runs because he knows you can kill him!  The dog has been destroyed (to cause a person or thing to have no further efficiency, to render idle, unemployed, inactivate, inoperative, to deprive of force, influence, power)!

Just imagine now that this dog comes up with a plan.  He comes to you and convinces you that you are still a cat and not really a lion.  What if the dog could get you to actually act like a cat?  That is what the dog Satan does to many Christians.

Just imagine that Jesus was this “cat” that died.  Just before He died however, He became “pregnant” with you and me in the Garden of Gethsemane.  When He died and was resurrected, He became the firstborn from the dead.  When we are born again, we are also lions.

“And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy” (Colossians 1:18).

We need to stay focused in the Word and on Jesus so that we will keep these truths in our hearts.  If we get away from that focus, we will quickly be swept away by the lies of the world and we will become vulnerable.




8. Knowing Jesus is what is important.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.  Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’  Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you.  Away from me, you evildoers!’”  (Matthew 7:21-23).

The following was partially taken from “They Shall Expel Demons," page 215, author Derek Prince.(4)


Prayer for deliverance.

1. Personally affirm your faith in Christ.  “Lord Jesus Christ, I confess that you are my Lord.  Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are the Son of God and the only way to God - that you died on the cross for my sins and rose again so that I might be forgiven and receive eternal life.”

2. Humble yourself.  “I renounce all pride and religious self-righteousness and any dignity that does not come from You.  I have no claim on Your mercy except that you died in my place.”

3.            Confess any known sin.  “I confess all my sins before You and hold nothing back.”  (Now list and confess them.)

4. Repent of all sins.  “I repent of all my sins.  I turn away from them and I turn to You, Lord, for mercy and forgiveness.”

5. Forgive all other people.  “By a decision of my will, I freely forgive all who have ever harmed or wronged me.  I lay down all bitterness, all resentment and all hatred.”  (Now list and confess them.)

6. Break with the occult and all false religion.  “I sever all contact I have ever had with the occult or with all false religion.  I renounce all the works of the devil, Satan and other evil spirits in my life.  I confess and renounce all my occult practices and sins as abominations before You, a Holy and righteous God.  I renounce any occult influence from my forefathers.”  (Now list and confess them.)

7. Prepare to be released from every curse over your life.  “Lord Jesus, I thank You that on the cross You were made a curse, that I might be redeemed from every curse and inherit God’s blessing.  I renounce every curse from my forefathers.  On that basis I ask You to release me and set me free to receive the deliverance I need.”

8. Take your stand with God.  “I take my stand with You, Lord, against all Satan’s demons.  I submit to You, Lord, and I resist the devil.  Amen!

9. Expel.  “Now I speak to any demons that have control over me.  (Speak directly to them.)  I command you to go from me now.  In the name of Jesus, I expel you!  I pray that any evil power or ability I may possess, or which have oppressed or possessed me, be completely destroyed or removed from me.  I commit myself, my body, my mind, my personality, my emotions, my whole being to the Lord Jesus Christ to be my Lord and savior.  I pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus, believing I am delivered.”


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