By Carol Chkoreff
Voices of silences all around me and yet
I hear the pounding screams.
Voices of whispers that surround me and
yet I hear joined sharp calls of teams.
Voices of
demands that surround my heart demanding answers to their selfish screams.
Voices of noises all around me and yet I
hear the silent voice of the Lord and in dreams.
Dreams within our inner being that
propel us to achieve the most in life.
Dreams that
come from silence and sleep within our inner cosmos of strife.
Dreams that
come to us from The Lord to bring us to the place of faith and trust.
Dreams that
pursue us with the most intense desire for peace and trust.
Learning whom we can trust is a viable
and necessary skill to live the life we must.
Accepting that surrendered love from the
Cross can give the ultimate trust.
Trusting that one born of the supreme
sacrifice for all mankind brings peace.
Living in peace is not in human living
but in dying flesh for His increase.
Mercy has wrapped my soul to the close
sounds of the real drummer of Heaven.
Love of God wrapped in earthly form
rescuing mankind for Heaven.
Heaven came down expressed in billows of
light and sounds of love.
Faith overtook my heart and mind
transporting me to the above.
Voice gently spoken hushing the birds
from their melodious songs.
Voice strongly
spoken causing heart surrender from life's wrongs.
Voice of earth entangling us with beckon
and call for whims and plans.
of eternal transcending us with immeasurable love bands.