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Section 6 Summary of Messianic Prophecies.

Summary of Messianic Bible Prophecies

Prophecies about Jesus.


There are over 300 prophecies that Jesus fulfilled in His birth, life, death, and resurrection, but consider as an example only the seventeen most prominent ones. The combined probability against these seventeen predictions occurring is equal to:


1 chance in 480,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. (480 billion x 1 billion x 1 trillion).


In the life of the Lord Jesus himself there are over 300 fulfilled prophecies. It is ridiculous to imagine that these prophecies would all be fulfilled by accident by one person. Only one chance in a number followed by 181 zeroes! To give you some idea of the size of this immense figure, think of a ball that is packed solidly with electrons (two and a half million billion make a line about one inch long). Now in your mind imagine this ball expanded to the size of the universe-some four billion light-years in di‚ameter (a light-year being the distance that light travels in a year at the speed of over 186,000 miles a second). Multiply this by 600 quadrillion. Out of this vast container of electrons, remove just one electron, and "color" it red and return it to the con‚tainer, and stir it with tire other electrons for a hundred years. Then blindfold a man and send him in to pick it out the first time. Impossible? With the same chance, Christ lived and died according to the Scriptures by "accident! " [1]


Impossible? With the same chance, Jesus the Christ lived and died, was resurrected and is now alive according to the Scriptures, and all this by "accident."


Isaiah 42:9 says, ìBehold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.




[1] Pratney, Winkie, a handbook for FOLLOWERS OF JESUS ñ Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, MN. 1977 page 72

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