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Dear Larry,

I came back from SAN ANTONIO DE LOS COBRES, a little town up in the mountains. We almost reached 4000 mts above the sea level.

I gave the ''Grow and Die seminar'' there to 15 pastors. Very shy people but they were on fire after the teachings. They are people of faith and they want to spread the Grow or Die book into the high mountains.

Some of this pastors are house pastors, they go from house to house in the mountains and take the Word to the people. Some of them walk many miles to minister to others. One man said that often he need to sleep under a tree or in some cave because he can not access to places on time.
They are very dark because the wind and the altitude. Short but very strong people. They live less. No more than sixty is the percent.

San Antonio is like the closest town for them. The full name is SAN ANTONIO DE LOS COBRES (cobre is COPPER) There is a mine there.

It was a miracle to be able to come back on time. The day after we came back. There was a big storm and rain on the route to San Antonio and the route was close and is still close today.
They say that it can take one more week to clear the mud and the rocks that fail into it.

I have prayed for stomach problems and they were heal inmediatly. We have also prayed togheter for you and Carol up there. They already love you even thoght they dont know you personally.

Thanks brother
There is victory in Jesus
