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The Underground Church

By Carol Chkoreff


Arriving at our destination with a heart to encourage,
we found God's people with a strength of courage.
Courage to stand in the face sent to discourage,
face and force that was sent for human scourage.


Hearing of the vision of angels and saints giving,
a dear brother the strength to keep his faith living.
Humbled beyond measure we felt the Lord's touch,
revealing His Presence which was so very much.


Traveling long distances into the provinces to view,
churches where our brothers and sisters were true.
True to their new found faith borne of Christ and all,
of the blessings that came with the Son of God's call.


Visiting the underground Church and Bible School,
eye opening valuable vision of learning God's tool.
Tool that can send bombs and hoards of dynamite,
intended to explode and desecrate the evil's might.


Blessed beyond our mortal minds comprehension,
we knew we had been held in Heaven's suspension.
Eternal suspension of time and eternity that calls,
us upward to ruling and reigning in Heaven's malls.


Having experienced the sweetness of our Lord's air,
we left knowing that our God had been faithful there.
Knowing that eternity waits for the called of the Lord,
we trusted that God's Word would serve as a sword.


by Carol Chkoreff