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 Create In Me A Clean Heart

By Carol Chkoreff


Thinking that my mind and my heart were in agreement and accord,

I proceeded to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus as being my Lord.

My day had awakened with dark densities,

I questioned "Is my heart clean, freely forgiving propensities?"


Propensities to offend can be very common,

if we live on Planet Earth among life's mammon.

Learning the remedy for success is  our Lord's way,

bearing the Cross where forgiveness lay.


Create in me a clean heart daily is a command,

holding unforgiveness will place your life in the devil's hand.

Clearly forgiveness in all the parts of my soul and mind,

forgiving and loving with a heart to be kind.


Bondage comes into our lives as we choose to cling,

to offenses of our sense of justice before our King,

desiring justice in an upside world can make us feel,

like sojourners with a downward shift and reel.


Our Lord calls us to keep our hearts golden with no alloy,

Walking in our journey with a sense of His sweet joy.

Depression is the trademark of our worst enemy's mark,

grave robbing our dead flesh, Jesus sets us free to embark.


"I am clean" ex-drug addicts sing and forgive debts,

debts of pains and injustices born of evil bets.

"Create in me a clean heart" I now can sing,

and my heart and mind are happy with Heaven's ring.